Ideas for wall painting

Ideas for wall painting

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Painting walls is often seen by many coating the surface with a monophonic composition, which looks boring and very standard. But there are many interesting ideas that can make the situation original, dynamic, or calm at your discretion. If you just want to buy a few cans of paint, a roller with brushes and you can start to embody your design decisions in life.

Interesting ideas for wall painting

  • The technique of staining ombre Considering the fashionable concepts of painting a room wall, you cannot bypass the unique technique of amber, which is involved in creating smooth color transitions between shades. The most commonly used vertical color change is with increased floor saturation, but you can use the original diagonal version. Extremely impressive, when the ombre effect is repeated in the wardrobe, in this case the interior of the room becomes charming and incomparably visible.
  • Accent wall Use this concept to draw walls in living room, nursery or kitchen. It paints only three walls in some unrealistic shade of a calm neutral color, and has a desire to isolate in the atmosphere, which must be covered with the remaining wall, a water-based composition of more satisfying and bright colors. For this purpose it is enjoyable to use a surface that is first visible when entering the room.
  • There are many techniques for using this method when decorating a room with a stripped wall. Walls can be divided horizontally, below the limit and below the surface. Vertical bands are recommended when you need to visually raise the ceiling. This idea of ​​painting on the wall would look good, for example, in a small low bath. A fashionable solution is to place a wide horizontal line in the middle of the walls, usually placed on the decoration object, the impression is restored. Also used in internal zigzags, waves, ribbons and other options.
  • Color blocks An interesting idea for colored walls is the image of color blocks. These elements are able to emphasize the interior elements or divide the room into zones. By the way, it does not need to be placed evenly, you can use different variations, to be completely different in the shade and shape of the blocks according to your taste. Sometimes they are separated by contrasting frames, but other methods of drawing similar designs are often used, for example, in the form of similar regions of color, flowing into each other.